KODAK i4200 Plus Scanner Driver & Update

Software Driver Download i4200
Drivers tested on the following WINDOWS Operating Systems:
Drivers tested on WINDOWS Vista; SP1 and higher, Vista x64 Edition, WINDOWS 7 (Home and Professional), WINDOWS 7 x64 Edition (Home and Professional), WINDOWS 8 (32-bit and 64-bit), WINDOWS 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit),WINDOWS 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Drivers tested on the following LINUX Operating Systems:
UBUNTU 14.04 (LTS)
Windows Driver
i4600 Scanner Full CD
File Name:
File Size: 452.01 MB
i4600 Scanner Only Driver
File Name: InstallSoftware_i4000_v3.0.exe
File Size: 120.1 MB
Linux Driver
LINUX UBUNTU 32-Bit Drivers for the i4600 v3.0
File Name: LinuxSoftware_i4000_v3.0.i586.deb.tar.gz
File Size: 70.53 MB
LINUX UBUNTU 64-Bit Drivers for the i4600 3.0
File Name: LinuxSoftware_i4000_v3.0.x86_64.deb.tar.gz
File Size: 69.81 MB
Hello, I have downloaded the driver for the i4200 Plus Scanner on a Win10 computer. I am having problems running the software to scan documents.
The title says “Kodak i4200 Scanner Drivers” but the driver listed is “i4600 Scanner Only Driver”
I have downloaded the driver for the i4200 Plus Scanner on a Windows 10 computer. We are having skip issues while scanning large set of documents. Some pages are considered as blank even thought they are not blank.
Please advice. We are using your Kodak i4200 Plus Scanner
How do I set it to scan to .pdf format?